Nashville Massacre: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH


Nashville Massacre: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

It is time for the Gun Industry to go

Another school shooting yesterday. Another one coming soon. How long must our children and families be forced to pay for something that can be easily solved?

The answer is simple: We have to take the profit out of the gun market. This $21 billion dollar industry is actually allowed to make a profit off of a social crisis that they create. We are supposed to accept the fact that is completely legal for them to put private profit over the lives of our children!

Most of these massacres are done with hi-tech assault rifles. They are designed to perfect the total destruction of flesh. They are weapons of war. Period. We can abolish them and we can still maintain the 2nd Amendment. People can still own guns. These are two completely separate issues.

The only way to eliminate their profits is to nationalize the entire industry and abolish their corporate privileges. The new owners, the American people, can stop the production of assault weapons. We seize the assets of the owners and companies and compensate the victims as they should not have to turn to Go Fund Me to bury their loved ones.

It’s the 97th day of the year and America has seen 130 mass shootings. Far more than in any past year. This is another public health emergency that we must face. One hundred people die from gun injuries every day in this country. The rate of gun suicide in America is the highest in the world. Desperate people, lacking even basic social support, often turn to suicide by murder.

The cowardice of both Democrats and Republicans on this issue is appalling. They pray for the victims while doing nothing to prevent more deaths. They propose legislation that will never pass. Why, because they are bought and sold by the gun industry.

But the gun industry does not own us!

We are told that regulating corporations is simply out of the question. That is what tobacco companies tell us to defend marketing cigarettes to children. That’s what the Petroleum Industry tells us about Global Warming. We will just have to accept it because you the people are not allowed to go against corporations.

We cannot accept this. This is a matter of life and death and we choose our children’s lives over corporate profit.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It is time for the gun industry to go!

Let’s talk! The League –

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