People Against Corporate Theft

People Against Corporate Theft

Rally Dec 6th., Detroit

Colleagues;   True to form, the ‘beast’ has emerged from its hibernation during the world pandemic and has started to announce plans to continue its plunder and targeted control of resources and power.  Go to: economic forum/origins and aims – ​to re-acquaint yourselves to what the World Economic (WEF) Forum is and how the World SOCIAL Forums were developed as their exact opposite.
Word has just come that the WEF group is launching a worldwide initiative to create public-private partnerships and they have chosen DETROIT to be the headquarters for them.  This ‘economic hub’ is slated to be up and running starting in Sept/Oct and will be the location where these events will be coordinated from.  LORD, HELP US…
Public-private initiatives translated means our public tax dollars are used to stabilize and promote financial windfalls and different projects that benefit major corporations while they tell us about the jobs to be created, the roads to be fixed, the schools & hospitals to be built – promises that almost always come true but on a much smaller scale. The main invitation to set up in Detroit comes from Dan Gilbert, known as ‘Massa Dan” in financial circles locally.  Dan Gilbert does not live in Detroit, but for sure, he has gotten with city and local personalities to secure some building in the City where they will be free to operate this ‘corporate, criminal’ enterprise at our expense. 
Nestle told Michigan Amish farmers that they would bring prosperity to those stressed communities if they were allowed to use some of the freshwater to fill “Ice Mountain” bottled water requests.  Then the water levels started to fall that those same farmers depended on…ooops! Then, Dan Gilbert started buying up courthouses, and jails, and other civic buildings that were supposed to render lots of jobs for area residents.  We are still waiting for that to happen.  My family was told that developers were buying up our family homes down in the Black Bottom to renovate them, but that we would be able to come back, then buy them back…yeah, Right!   
What do we do?  What do we say?  Here we are again, not well organized and hardly able to counter-punch.  To raise our voices against this economic trap will sound like we don’t want financial help for the millions of our people in trouble because they will come with shiny new promises and fresh-sounding opportunities that our community will want to embrace. This private-public partnership nonsense keeps coming up.  The WEF already has made deals that residents know nothing about starting with the current Mayor who has said not a mumbling word about this.  He had to know that they were planning on setting up in the City.  They will appeal to the residents with beads, trinkets, furs, and assorted promises to get us to be on their side…they will offer slick-looking experts standing next to women, women of color, preachers, preachers of color, and all sorts of spokespersons that are prepared to convince us about their honorable intentions.  Still, what do we do…what do we say…how do we say it? 

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