
Private Property Devours the Climate and Housing

Private Property Devours the Climate and Housing

 The Heat is Killing Us:

For the last year, every month has been the hottest ever. It is already blazing hot in Arizona, California, and Nevada, sending people who cannot afford air conditioning to the hospital. In Mexico, it’s so hot, howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees.

Tornadoes and Hurricanes are Killing Us:

Over Memorial Day, more than 70 tornadoes were reported across 15 states, including Texas, Kentucky, Missouri, Alabama, Oklahoma and Arkansas. These storms were large, deadly, and destructive and they keep getting worse. No place in the US is safe.

The Fossil Fuel and Energy Industries are Killing Us:

The Solution: End Private Property:

There is one and only one solution to begin to reverse climate change and ecological disaster: fossil fuels and energy production must be taken out of the hands of private property. Period. Only the collective ownership of these “private” industries by the peoples of the world can stop this devastation. It must be illegal for anyone to make  private profit from owning Nature. Otherwise, the destruction of our planet cannot be reversed.

Personal Property is not Private Property:

Private property is not the property that people need and use every day. That’s our own personal property. Private property is investment property, property that is intended to produce private profit and make the rich richer. Private property does not produce social profit that can be used to better all of our lives.

Housing and Private Property:

If you own a home, it is your personal property. In the US and around the globe most rental housing and apartments are now owned by private corporations, not people. Rental housing is private property used to make money not to shelter people. Raising rents means raising profits. Indeed, “housing costs, along with gasoline prices, accounted for more than 60 percent of the overall monthly increase in consumer prices.”1

The UN reports that global housing has already passed from something people use for shelter to become securitized investment property.2 Just as a dead tree has more “value” than a live one, to Capitalists empty housing is worth more than housing… with people in it. This is the future capitalism offers us.

The Solution: End Corporate Ownership of Housing:

Like the climate crisis, the question is how can this be reversed? There is no partial fix within this system, no reform that can make housing a human right and keep the system intact. Ownership of housing as private property must be abolished so that personal ownership of housing can thrive. There is no other final solution.

Project 2025 and Private Property:

We all are struggling to save our planet and to house our people. These and the other struggles for healthcare, education, peace, justice, and equality are revealing that private property is at the core of our problems. The ruling class understands this and has a plan to defend private property. The fascist program, Project 2025.3

Defeating Fascism and Project 2025 means tearing it out at its Capitalist Roots:

The rising fascist campaign to seize political power in 2024 requires us all to understand that defeating fascism means tearing it out at the capitalist roots even as we confront every incidence of a system that will deny our basic human needs. We must confront the system itself.

Only a United Working Class can Defeat Fascism:

Both the Republican and Democratic Parties are leading the country toward fascism. The only force capable of stopping them is the working class. The working class, those of us who must work to survive, is the majority. We can use the existing institutions and elections to unite our class to first defeat fascism, and then begin the fight for political power. Only with political power can we get all the things we must have to survive and grow: housing, health care, a clean environment, jobs with dignity, freedom to be who we are, and a future for our children.

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Our country and the world stand at a crossroads. Humanity has the potential for economic security and abundance. A community of the people, by the people, and for the people, where children can grow in peace, is possible as never before. Or–if we do nothing—we face increasingly unlivable conditions caused by private ownership of the wealth that human labor has created. The purpose of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America is to build consciousness and unity among the most impacted workers, to be able to secure the needs of humanity and avoid the destitution and environmental disaster threatening life on our planet as we know it.

Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America:

This series of articles are intended to encourage a dialogue with developing revolutionaries.  We highlight issues of the day and areas of special interest to new revolutionaries to provide a guide to action.  Please make your thoughts known by commenting at the end of the article.


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