LRNA Stands With Palestine Against War and Occupation

In the past weeks, the world has witnessed vaccine apartheid, land theft, and indiscriminate killing of civilians, journalists, women & children, and medics. There can be no doubt that we are witnessing a new escalation in an ongoing genocide. In America, tens of thousands of protesters have come out to demand an end to uncontested U.S. aid to one side – Israel – and too little support toward Palestinian resistance to the intractable occupation of their land by a settler colonial state. The LRNA supports Palestinian liberation. In its struggle against the settler colonial state in Palestine, the ongoing intifada is at the forefront of the struggle against war and fascism world-wide.

The U.S. government funds the Israeli government with billions of dollars every year, providing massive armaments in order to ensure that Israel can continue to function as its proxy for military dominance of the region, as the U.S maneuvers to secure access to resources and lock-in a section of the Middle East as a military base of operations.

As revolutionaries within the U.S., we must study, understand and oppose Israel’s fascist rule because what the world is watching is wholesale killing, that represents a humanitarian catastrophe. U.S. corporations and their political flunkies are preparing the American people to accept, then support, permanent war that numbs us to fascist political repression wherever & whenever they need it, even within our own borders.

The same private defense contractors like G4S and Elbit Systems who build the walls, checkpoints, and prisons of Israeli apartheid are also responsible for militarized borders and prisons erected in the U.S., Mexico, Europe, and South Africa. The Israeli Defense Force has been contracted to train selected American police departments in surveillance, crowd control, and tactics that often include extensive, unbridled violence. Transnational corporations and state-sponsored institutions restrict the freedom and ignore the rights of poor and indigenous people in Palestine, the U.S., and around the world, because this new form of global fascism they are developing transcends borders and recognizes no boundaries.

People must now recognize the similarities between Palestinian refugee camps and the ‘reservations’ constructed for First Nation Indigenous Americans, after they were robbed of their lands, murdered, then corralled someplace else. The call to defund and demilitarize police departments nationwide is linked to the call to end U.S. military aid to Israel. Ridding society of capitalism has to be the intended outcome. It means calling out, then fighting the effects of the slavery and genocide that birthed this country. It means fighting against any nation that thirsts for world domination. The annihilation of the Palestinian people cannot be tolerated as they struggle for a homeland, justice, and the right to live in peace. In the U.S. we have a special responsibility to speak out, since the tear gas that rains down on Palestinian civilians comes from the same manufacturers that tear gassed civilians in Ferguson, in Detroit, in Chicago, at Freedom Plaza and Portland.

“People over profits” means stop funding the Israeli military and war profiteers and START funding affordable housing, access to public water, sanitation & healthcare which includes Covid-19 vaccines, and other basic needs, that improve our quality of life instead of guaranteeing the certainty of early death. Technological developments have put humanity in position to create a new world of lasting peace and prosperity. The foundation for this new world is unity of the working class. Stopping the U.S. and Israeli war machine from its wanton destruction of Palestinian life is a first and necessary step toward achieving unity.

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