Battle for Democracy Raging

Battle for Democracy Raging

Battle for Democracy Raging

Democracy often demands more than voting, critical as that is. We are now seeing open battles for political power across the South, battles where democracy rises to defy the edicts of Red state Governors.

In Florida, professors vow to defy the Governor’s horribly limited Black History requirements. In Arkansas, at least 6 school districts are publicly refusing to curtail the national Advanced Placement Black History exam. In Atlanta, Trump is under indictment for conspiracy to interfere with the election. Some Virginia school districts refuse to implement anti-LGBTQ+ decrees. In every case, officials, backed by active popular movements, are rising to stop what can only be called fascism.

Now Tennessee is jumping off again. The mass shooting at Nashville’s Covenant School sparked a large-scale revolt of students of all ages. They besieged the state Assembly to demand laws to protect them against gun violence. The Assembly refused to do this, even though they have passed laws to cover the legal costs of the state’s 82 gun manufacturers against anti-assault rifle lawsuits! Then they illegally tried to expel 3 pro-student elected state representatives!

This past week, and going into next week, the Governor called a special session to pass HIS bills to address gun violence.

He roped off the capitol to drive away people who are legally empowered to watch deliberations. The governor militarized hundreds of state patrol to menace protestors. He passed laws stating that it is perfectly legal to carry a gun into the Assembly building. But when mothers sat quietly inside the state house with signs that said, “Stop Gun Violence”, he had them arrested. This occurred as Proud Boys and AR-15 toting counter-protestors marched outside the building!

On Tuesday, August 29, the protests by parents reached the point that the special session was canceled without passing any gun-control laws. The intensity of the parent’s protest cannot be denied – Click here for Video.:

More battles are coming. Pro-Abortion organized resistance is active across the country. Now resistance is beginning to become more determined and more mobilized as fascism continues to structurally block democracy. This battle for political power is not going to go back into its shell.

“Victory cannot be won without class unity based on exposure and rejection of the white supremacy and hetero-patriarchy so deeply rooted in the structure of the American economy, politics, and history. In the practical struggle, people are uniting from below. The growing equality of misery is forming them into a social force. We rely on this developing practical unity to build conscious political understanding. Victory cannot be won until we gain the political power necessary to defeat fascism and organize the cooperative society we need.”


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