Revolutionary Education for Our Time:

Revolutionary Education for Our Time:

LRNA Suite of Revolutionary Education:

Find here some things that will help you in talking with other revolutionaries within the movements in which you are active. Something that will help you and your revolutionary comrades carry out the life work to which you are committed, that will help you change the world. –  Click on the link below

LRNA Suite of Educational

Home, Vote, & Future:

Your Home, Your Vote, the Future of the World: A Three-Part Political Education Series on the Politics of Basic Needs Session One: Housing Insecurity, Hedge Cities & Dispossession in Oakland Sponsored by the League of Revolutionaries for a New America. –  Click on the link below

Session 1, Fight for Housing, against Real     Estate investment/Hedge cities

 Fight for Housing

Session 2, National elections, the battle over basic needs and class power

National Elections

Session 3, The re-organization of the state and the role of revolutionaries

The  Re-organization of the State

Session 4, Reimagine the Police, Reimagine Society

A Three-Part Political Education Series on the Politics of Basic Needs Session One Defund the Police Question: What Would Community Control Look Like?

Reimagine Society- Defund Police

Session 5: The Fight for Basic Needs through Class Unity


 Class Power

American Democracy

Democracy and the Elections 2018: What did the mid-term elections tell us about the impulse for democracy ?   How is the growing awareness that American politics is not democratic shaping politics? – Click on the link below.

American Democracy

Slings and Arrows

Electoral Work in a Time of Rebellion Many people are seriously conflicted about voting for the Biden/Harris ticket in this election. How, then, do revolutionaries take part in the electoral arena in a time of rebellion? That is what this educational explores. Click on the link below.

Slings and Arrows- To Biden or Not To Biden_

Is It Time To Use The F Word?

Fascism and the Elections

Is it time to use the F word?  No not that one — the other one — Fascism.  This educational is intended to bolster our scientific understanding of fascism while exploring its concrete manifestations today. – Click on the link below.

Is It Time To Use The F Word

Culture War

Statues, Symbols, and the Culture War during Election SeasonTearing down statues, renaming buildings and streets, contesting the roles of historical figures has played a prominent part in the agitation around the uprisings in 2020. – Click on the link below.

Culture War In Election Season

Gaps in Consciousness

How to Bridge Them. Gaps between what people understand as the evils around them and the preconceived ideas that keep them from seeing solutions. – Click on the link below.

Gaps In Consciousness

Voter Suppression

This educational approaches the question of voter suppression and voting rights not as some abstract principle, but in the context of the contending forces today. –  Click on the link below

Voter Suppression

After the Elections

There are many projections of what might happen after the 2020 elections. Revolutionaries need to understand where we are and where we need to go. This educational is intended to explore that path. –  Click on the link below

Tasks of Revolutionaries After the Elections

Basic Education Curriculum

What Do Some Basic Political Terms Mean?

Basic Curriculum Term & Definitions


Supplemental Resources

Awaken from the Unknowing , 1961


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