US Bombs Fall on Rafah

Palestine: US Bombs Fall on Rafah


US Bombs Fall on Rafah

Biden’s “Red Line” is a River of Blood

On 26 May 2024, the Israeli Air Force struck Tel al-Sultan refugee camp in western Rafah. The attack, along with a fire that had ignited in the camp, killed between 45 and 50 Palestinians and injured over 200, most of them women and children.

Palestinian journalist Alam Sadeq said he encountered horrific scenes in the aftermath of the strike, including charred corpses and a man searching for his cousin’s head. The smell of death was everywhere.1

Israel Used US-Supplied Bombs:

The bombs used in the attack were U.S.-made SDB GBU-39 precision bombs.1. US spokesman John Kerby said that if it was true that Israel used US precision bombs, “that would certainly indicate a desire to be more precise in their targeting.”1

Israel did not cross Biden’s Red Line:

The Biden administration said that the attack on the Tel al-Sultan refugee camp did not qualify as the type of “death and destruction” that crosses any U.S. red lines that would result in the withholding of more aid to Israel.2. Biden’s red line is a river of Palestinian blood.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Golant are war criminals

The attack on the Tel al-Sultan refugee camp came 6 days after the International Criminal Court issued applications for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Golant for “war crimes and crimes against humanity” and just two days after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to immediately stop its assault on Rafah.

Biden is also a War Criminal:

Biden declared the ICC ruling “outrageous” and that “we will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.” The US continues to supply Israel with arms to conduct genocide in Gaza, makes no real attempt to stop the starvation and murder of the Palestinian people, and blocks any attempt to bring an end to the Israeli war on Gaza. Indeed, Biden stated that his administration will work with Congress to impose sanctions against International Criminal Court officials for daring to bring Netanyahu and Golant to justice for their crimes against humanity. Biden is aiding and abetting genocide.

Democratic Party Convention: Ceasefire Now! Arrest Netanyahu and Golant!

The genocide in Gaza is ongoing and must end, and those responsible for it should be brought to justice. Failure to do so will lead to more death and suffering and bring the entire world closer to war. We all need to bring this truth to the Democratic Party Convention in August. How can we stop fascism at home if our head of state is complicit with genocide abroad?

Our Program is Peace and Justice:

We are not arms merchants; we are the vast majority who must work for a living to survive. Justice, at home and abroad, is the practical foundation for lasting peace.

Lets Talk !

 Our country and the world stand at a crossroads. Humanity has the potential for economic security and abundance. A community of the people, by the people, and for the people, where children can grow in peace, is possible as never before. Or–if we do nothing—we face increasingly unlivable conditions caused by private ownership of the wealth that human labor has created. The purpose of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America is to build consciousness and unity among the most impacted workers, to be able to secure the needs of humanity and avoid the destitution and environmental disaster threatening life on our planet as we know it.

Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America:

This series of articles are intended to encourage a dialogue with developing revolutionaries.  We highlight issues of the day and areas of special interest to new revolutionaries to provide a guide to action.  Please make your thoughts known by commenting at the end of the article.


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