Rally – November & December Edition

Voice of the League of Revolutionaries

for a New America

Examining, analyzing, and drawing political conclusions about the most critical issues facing the revolutionary movement in the U.S. today

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Our country and the world stand at a crossroads. Humanity has the potential for economic security and abundance. A community of the people, by the people, and for the people, where children can grow in peace, is possible as never before.

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Inside this Issue

INSIDE Rally! The real choice in this year’s elections

No ballot for the 2022 elections will show “democracy” running against “fascism,” yet that is the choice behind many of the issues and candidacies to be voted on. The Road to Real Democracy explains that the heart of the midterm election …

Shooting the Messenger

The public’s health is under attack in America like never before. We have lost well over a million Americans despite being the wealthiest country in the world. It is estimated that a third to half of those deaths could have …

From the Editors: Overdosed and under-protected

As this issue of Rally! was published, people were using the 2022 midterm elections to raise awareness of issues that really were about life-or-death. Covid killed over a million Americans because their government didn’t adequately protect public health.  Others died …

Democracy, Fascism, and the Revolutionary Needs of the People

The ruling class in the United States has accelerated its assault on the working class, especially the most dispossessed and marginalized of that class. As they force more and more people to struggle for basic needs, the rulers undercut whatever …

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Button Pusher

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