The Path to Working Class Freedom: Freedom for Haiti and Gaza

Freedom for Haiti and Gaza

The Path to Working-Class Freedom

 The people of Haiti face starvation, displacement, and armed violence while the politicians maneuver to reconsolidate imperial control over the Haitian state. There have been no democratically elected leaders of Haiti since 2004 when the U.S. government told Haiti’s President Jean-Bertrand Aristide that it was time to leave his country and flew him to exile in Africa. In the words of paramilitary leader Jimmy Cherizier, “It’s not just people with guns who’ve damaged the country but the politicians too. Freedom for Haiti and Gaza. Now our fight will enter another phase – to overthrow the whole system, the system that is five percent of people who control 95 percent of the country’s wealth.” * Sound familiar?

Virtually all of the guns in Haiti originate in the U.S. – the same as in Gaza. Both Gaza and Haiti are long-standing peoples with states controlled by imperial powers, whose land, labor, and wealth serve to enrich their imperial lords.

The U.S. working class pays for these imperial practices, and when the inevitable breakdown occurs, we foot the bill for the wars. When Haiti had a devastating earthquake in 2010 that killed 300,000 people, the billion-dollar U.S. aid package did little to ameliorate Haiti’s loss and suffering, yet enriched those nonprofits responsible for delivering the aid, including the Clinton Foundation.

In the U.S. we face skyrocketing housing costs, dwindling medical care, and jobs that pay unlivable wages. Freedom for Haiti and Gaza are necessary steps toward our own freedom.

Freedom for Haiti!

Freedom for Gaza!

Workers of the World Unite!

Editors Note: Portrait of Toussaint Louverture Father of the Haitian Revolution had led the first successful Slave revolt since Spartus of the Roman Empire. see links below

 Lets Talk !

 Suggested Reading:

 “As people struggle to survive war, climate catastrophe, poverty, and pandemic, a new fascist state form is arising to crush us – the naked rule of corporate power.” ..” The battle is a class struggle because the ruling class is the enemy of humanity and the earth itself.”  from the League Program

Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America:



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Button Pusher

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