Politicize the Tech Revolution by Building Class Unity
Technology like AI displaces workers into an “equality of poverty”, spurring solidarity that gets politicized by showing they are fighting an economic system that must be changed.
Technology like AI displaces workers into an “equality of poverty”, spurring solidarity that gets politicized by showing they are fighting an economic system that must be changed.
As people struggle to survive war, climate catastrophe, poverty, and pandemic, a new fascist state form is arising to crush us – the naked rule of corporate power.
Trump fascists divided by nationality, gender, etc. Corporate Democrats ignored common class interests. Revolutionaries fight for social equality AND for basic needs.
Trump’s MAGA plan replaces teaching about equality and social justice with “patriotic education — white supremacy, Christian Nationalism, and anti-migrant and LGBTQIA+ ideas.
People need networks to secure their basic needs, paired with a revolutionary political program of economic rights for all.
Tell the US war-makers to stop arming Israel. This regional war threatens to become a world nuclear war. The US is bankrolling this conflict. End Arming Israel!
The War for Democracy, Voting is a tool for building political power. The ROLE OF REVOLUTIONARIES is commitment to the basic needs of the American people,
The housing crisis is one aspect in the overall crisis in the private property system. We have to redouble our efforts to organize and educate the renters at the heart of our movement.
What does the dismantling of Democracy look like in Michigan? Enter Project 2025, Michigan’s emergency manager regime on steroids.
PROJECT 2025.: To begin the process of political revolution the most advanced workers ere organizing to try to stop it and eliminate the danger of fascism.
Both Political Parties of Capitalism are Campaigning on “Rebuilding the Middle Class”. But this is impossible. Does the Middle Class Exist ? Revolution is the Solution!
The U.S. government is developing into a fascist apparatus using its financial, political, and military power, to add to corporate profit. The entire world is in Transformation.
Energy production is a target of capitalist plunder and destruction. Puerto Rico consumes almost 70 times more energy than it produces.
We must listen to the migrants, whose situation shows us that all kinds of people need assistance to survive. MIGRATION MASKS GREATER HEMISPHERIC CONTROL.
August in 1962. All we want is to register, to become first-class citizens. If the Freedom Democratic Party is not seated now, I question America? Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer
The Ruling Class has pushed Humanity and Nature to the brink. For over a decade now rising rebellion against the capitalist class s a result the ruling class turns to Fascism.
U.S. Government Arms Export Control Act.4 prohibits the sale of arms to “any Government of which engages in the violations of internationally recognized human rights.”
Workers are forced into low-paid work, temporary gig jobs, or onto the streets. Now unions are increasingly necessary just to survive in the new economy.
Palestine Youth Movement. High School Students are joining the wave of University Protests about Genocide in Gaza. This is occurring around the country.
The transformation is so massive, it is completely changing the world as we know it. Social Revolution ends exploitation, ends of classes, and the beginning of something new.
Working Class needs a plan to provide Basic Needs. We must force Democrats to present solutions. Democrats New Candidate with Old Answers is not the Answer !
Why invite a Gaza WAR Criminal Netanyahu is to address Congress. Heis accused of crimes against humanity by the United Nations? Arrest Netanyahu on July 24th.
Republicans openly push Fascism and tell White Workers that they should Unite with Billionaires. Elections ‘ What is Class ” ?
We must protect and this Important American Holiday. Forces behind Project 2025 are attempting to undermine Juneteenth’s History and introduce an New Jim Crow. Save Juneteenth
Defeat Project 2025
Workers demanding political and economic justice are organizing the people sidelined by decades of attacks and finding innovative ways to win in the electoral arena. Local Elections in 2024.
U.S. government serves Corporate interest. Corporate Dictatorship is Fascism.
Both the Republicans and the Democrats are leading the country toward fascism, and the only force capable of stopping them is the working class. Defeat Fascism.
Reproductive rights are at the center of the war on fundamental freedoms. As abortions bans and restrictions expand by the destruction of other rights as well.
The League presents a zoom event as a conversation with and for revolutionaries. The League of Revolutionaries for a New America joins other revolutionaries who challenge the ruling class on the immorality of its ruthless devastation of the earth + life.
Nationwide assault on over 40 campuses resulting in over 2,000 arrests. The numbers keep growing as the protests continue.
Students at Cornell Voted for a permanent Gaza Ceasefire and for University Divestment from Corporations that sell Arms to Israel.
The people of Haiti face starvation, displacement, and armed violence while the politicians maneuver to reconsolidate imperial control over the Haitian state.
This onslaught is outlined in Project 2025, which calls for ending racial, gender and sexual orientation equality in employment and for putting children to work in factories.
Uncommitted Vote in Democratic Primaries show the growing demand for a Cease-Fire in Gaza and justice for the Palestinian people.
By prosecuting Assange, the U.S. government is targeting anyone on the planet who publishes a U.S. government document. It creates a legal framework for criminalizing journalists and those who expose government wrongs. It is step toward erecting an international fascist framework for discouraging and ultimately eliminating freedom of the press.
We cannot accept this. This is a matter of life and death and we chose life over corporate profit. The ruling capitalist class chooses profits over life, demonstrating it is unfit to rule.
A National Call for a Moral Revival is a progressive movement that shares the struggles of people impacted by the ruling class’s unjust policies around poverty.
The horrific U.S. backed Israeli war on occupied Palestine and the siege of Gaza have galvanized a global uprising in opposition to the ongoing bombing and genocide of the Palestinian people.
War is not waged for ideals, the goals are profit and power. Today, battles are remotely fought with civilians as the targets. End War by Eliminating Capitalism
Democracy often demands more than voting, critical as that is. We are now seeing open battles for political power across the South, battles where democracy rises to defy the edicts of Red state Governors.
Dobbs decision which ended federal protection for abortion rights, the first time in US history that a human right was eliminated.
Juneteenth is a celebration of freedom from dehumanization of African peoples in the America.as an actual independence day, Juneteenth: Black Independence Day.
United States bear the costs of War. We have paid dearly for war. financing our poverty! When is the government going to invest in people?
Hateful ideas are promoted by those corporate powers skilled in all ways that divide working people Unite our Class, and Change the World!. AMERICAN VIOLENCE.
We have entered the stage of political revolution. Activists are becoming aware that the fight to save ourselves is not a debate, but a struggle survival !
Musicians are calling us forward to Explore how music helps us find a path even as we see ourselves abandoned by the ruling class and discarded by a collapsing system.
Global migration has been on the rise, at this time estimated at 281 million people seeking safety and security, as well as basic survival.
Voter suppression, corporate bail-outs, massive police budgets, and anti-human, anti-nature legislation are characteristic of governance by a corporate dictatorship and a private property economy
Shameful Wealth Skyrockets Let’s Talk About What Really Divides America The American people are deeply divided. The sharply contested elections of 2020 became an arena in which the ruling class … Read More
What do revolutionaries do in this dangerous period?