Taking the Offensive to Defeat Fascism
The stakes for the working class to chart a strategic political path to our common future. Taking the Offensive to Defeat Fascism
The stakes for the working class to chart a strategic political path to our common future. Taking the Offensive to Defeat Fascism
Reproductive Freedom is more than a tactic for Defeating Dictatorship. It is at the Heart of the Peaceful and Sustainable World, Fighting for Women’s Lives.
Supreme Court & Abortion Pill presents Dangers Ahead from the the Anti-Abortion Movement, Religion, Project 2025, & FDA,. The Fascists intend to WIN !
Mothers with other women have risen to the World’s Revolutionary Leadership for Peace and as Guardians of Humanity’s Future to become fully human.
A National Dialogue for Revolutionaries Register Today ! Fighting for Women’s Lives – Project 2025 is a blueprint for Fascist America that corporations plan to impose if they can get a “conservative president” elected in November.
It is widely recognized that this attack on reproductive rights, and the attack on transgender, non-conforming, and gender-expansive people, is a “useful tool” of the religious right, funded and driven by the 1 percent
The fascists intend to win, but we can stop them. We are the future and what we do will determine the fate of America and the world. Now is the time to unite in the struggle for justice, equality, and peace.
Women became the first slaves at the dawn of history after these ownership issues surfaced based on economic realities. This slave tradition based on ownership and on the subjugation of women remains in our Society TODAY !
Happy International Women’s Day! Gender inequality is built into the historical development of capitalism. The property-less have always worked as wage-laborers, domestics, or slaves and have always been disproportionately female.
We will briefly discuss the current landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implications of ending the Public Health Emergency.
Dobbs decision which ended federal protection for abortion rights, the first time in US history that a human right was eliminated.
The Ruling Class Claims to be Pro-Life . . . While America Becomes the Land of Assault Weapons, Tainted Formula, and Rampant COVID On May 2 a draft supreme court … Read More