Stop Arming GAZA WAR

GENOCIDE: Stop Arming GAZA WAR – It’s the LAW


Stop Arming GAZA WAR

It’s the LAW!

No Voice for the Palestinian People. At last week’s Democratic National Convention (DNC), the voice of the Palestinian people was silenced by the Democratic Party leadership. Uncommitted delegates were barred from the speakers’ platform. Support for the people of Gaza and the demand for an end to the U.S.-armed, Israeli genocide were not the messages that the Democratic Party leadership wanted the American people to hear.

But major Democratic Party forces, such as the UAW disagree!

If we want the war in gaza to end, we can’t put our heads in the sand or ignore the voices of the Palestinian Americans in the Democratic Party.” (UAW on X)

DNC Speakers “Hope” for a Ceasefire. The message that the Democratic Party leadership wanted you to hear is that they support a ceasefire in Gaza. Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told us that a ceasefire was necessary. But they did not give us a plan to make this happen.

Kamala Harris – new Leader, old Program. Kamala Harris stated, “now is the time to get a hostage deal and ceasefire done.” At the same time, she declared her intention to continue sending arms to Israel.1 While condemning Hamas terrorism, Harris failed to note that Israel has “bombed 21 schools in the last 2 months,” destroyed Gaza’s water and sanitary infrastructure, raped Palestinian prisoners and that Israel was found guilty of war crimes by the United Nations.2, 3

No Arms for Israel – It’s the Law. In 1976, the U.S. government enacted the Arms Export Control Act.4 This law prohibits the sale of arms to “any country the government of which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights.” Israel is violating the human rights of the Palestinian people every day.

The U.S. Government is breaking the Law. When Trump and Harris and the leaders of their parties declare that they will arm Israel no matter what, they place themselves above the law. They can do this because the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that U.S. Presidents can break laws without being held accountable.5


We are all horrified by the Democratic and Republican party’s support for this war. What we need is a government that addresses the basic human needs of everyone. This must be the concrete public policy that we debate in this election, not the corporate programs of fascism and war.

Our country and the world stand at a crossroads. Humanity has the potential for economic security and abundance. A community of the people, by the people, and for the people, where children can grow in peace, is possible as never before. Or–if we do nothing—we face increasingly unlivable conditions caused by private ownership of the wealth that human labor has created.“6

 League Program:








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