After the Elections: The Fight For Our Future

The fascist offensive continues to threaten America, however. There are three great dangers.

The first and most immediate is that the Trump administration has stated that it may not leave office.

The second great danger is that the fascist social base that Trump has built continues to “stand by.

The third and ultimately most serious danger is the stable fascist groups embedded in the economy – Wall Street, the transnational corporations, the military-industrial complex, and the unchecked power of technology corporations.

These forces pose a mortal danger to democracy that will continue to exist unless and until the people rise up to seize the levers of power away from them.

Why Don’t They Care if We Die from COVID-19 ?

Why don’t they care if we die? The ruling class faces a problem that the COVID-19 death crisis can help them solve. Millions of Americans are being thrown out of the economy because jobs are increasingly being replaced by digital technology, such as computers, apps, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other forms of automation. This is transforming society, creating a social revolution. Struggling to survive, we turn to the government to demand that we and our children be allowed to breathe.

Pulling Back the Curtain

We are now in the midst of a global pandemic depression. With cases surging past 25 million worldwide and approaching one million dead, the United States leads the world, with 6 million cases and 180,000 dead. That reality has given rise to a global economic depression that we have not seen the likes of since the Great Depression.

Generation Z and the Fight to Change the World

On July 6, when President Trump signed an executive order proposing a ban on the youth-oriented social media platform TikTok, it was natural to remember stories of TikTok users obstructing Trump’s June 20 Tulsa rally. TikTok youth didn’t miss the message, as 18-year-old Anekha Singh told NBC News, “Our ability to express ourselves is something he doesn’t want.” Eighteen-year-old climate activist turned police protestor Shayla Turner told the New York Times, “I want to see an entire revolution led by youth. I feel like we are definitely capable of that. We have the power, and we have the voices.”

Defeat Trump: Demand that Government Meet Basic Needs

The massive, spontaneous uprising of 2020, in response to the police murder of George Floyd, was possibly the largest and broadest mass movement in American history. According to one poll, some 26 million people participated in the movement against police terror that came to be called Black Lives Matter, a diverse outpouring of people of all colors and walks of life, a majority of whom were white. The scale and power of the uprising express a total transformation of the relationship between the historic African American freedom movement, on the one hand, and the burgeoning class movement against poverty and exploitation on the other.

Something New Is in Our Grasp: Millions Worldwide Decry George Floyd Murder

The people who rule America are desperate for us to fight police terror separate from those conditions that call into question their rule. They are desperate to stop the political and ideological awakening of the American people. They must deepen the destitution and, at the same time, prevent and contain social upheavals. This can only be done with a fascist police state.

Ray of Light Inside the Pandemic

A Collection of Recent Articles

The crisis we are in is vast and deadly, and yet it offers the possibility of a way forward. The force for changes lies within the millions who have lost their jobs and lining up for food, the hundreds of thousands seeking medical care to treat the coronavirus, and the millions who can’t pay their rent. The growing number of restless people of this country, who love it and are willing to fight for it, have to come together as one. This force is the ray of light inside the pandemic. We must guarantee that the changes wracking America result in a better life for the common people.