What does “Justice” for Billionaires look like?: Trump’s Classified Documents Case Dismissed !

Judge Connon Dismissed Charges against Mr. Trump’s Classified Documents Case . Billionaires are flooding money into our elections to hide the real issues of poverty, hunger, oppression, poor healthcare, environmental destruction, and war!

U.S. to Palestine: The Unity of Class Struggle in the Fight for our Collective Humanity & Survival

The League presents a zoom event as a conversation with and for revolutionaries. The League of Revolutionaries for a New America joins other revolutionaries who challenge the ruling class on the immorality of its ruthless devastation of the earth + life.

Fighting for Women’s Lives: Defeat Project 2025 – Blueprint for Fascist America

 A National Dialogue for Revolutionaries Register Today ! Fighting for Women’s Lives – Project 2025 is a blueprint for Fascist America that corporations plan to impose if they can get a “conservative president” elected in November.

Born in Chicago on May 1, 1886: May Day – International Labor Day

UAW was voted in at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga mid-April 2024. The workers ignored all efforts to divide them using White Supremacy, Religion, and Sex. The Workers defended themselves with Class Unity, a consciousness of a future they all share.

Pro-Palestinian Protests: Bidens Promises Bombs not Peace

STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS – Biden responded to the American people demanding peace and justice in Gaza. Bidens Promises Bombs not Peace. Pro-Palestinian protestors forced Biden’s motorcade to take another route.

Happy International Women’s Day!: At the Forefront of Social Transformation

Happy International Women’s Day! Gender inequality is built into the historical development of capitalism. The property-less have always worked as wage-laborers, domestics, or slaves and have always been disproportionately female.

Jailing Julian Assange is an Attack on the Free Press

By prosecuting Assange, the U.S. government is targeting anyone on the planet who publishes a U.S. government document. It creates a legal framework for criminalizing journalists and those who expose government wrongs. It is step toward erecting an international fascist framework for discouraging and ultimately eliminating freedom of the press.

PALESTINE - The Unity of Class Struggle: Gaza War Machine ‘Made in USA’

The United States could stop the ongoing Gaza massacre of Palestinians by the Zionist government calling itself “Israel” in 24 hours, but it refuses to do so, even though the majority of Americans demand this.

GAZA WAR: U.S. Risks War in the Middle East while Attacking Democracy at Home

Capitalism needs war and both of the Capitalist parties will lead us to destruction. The way forward is to fight against fascism. gaza-war-u-s-attacks-democracy

Video - Take Back Our Cities: A Dialogue for Revolutionaries

Since 2020, the movement for basic human needs, reproductive freedom, and the future of life on earth has won some historic electoral victories, especially at the local level. Join us with leaders from Chicago, Oakland, and Sacramento as we discuss next steps in the battle for democracy, fighting forward into 2024.

Inside Rally! – The Lessons of American History: March-April 2023 Issue

Inside Rally   March-April 2023 Issue   The Lessons of American History The shadow of fascism’s attack on American democracy is as old as it is long (Reconstruction era lessons … Read More

Revolution at the Ballot Box

Our quality of life, our survival, our historic strivings, our cherished ideals, and all the love we feel for each other are at stake in the next two years. Regardless of the final vote count, the 2022 midterm elections mark a turning point in the movement for people’s basic economic needs and freedoms. People have laid ahold of the ballot not just to secure elected positions, but as an organizing weapon. They are creating the terrain and the conditions for the larger battle in 2024. 

Oakland School Closing – Debt as a Weapon of Social & Political Control

The fight to keep Oakland’s public schools open and funded has gone on since the early 1980s. Now we face a greatly accelerated corporate attack aimed at closing public schools in low-income, mainly Black and brown, flatland areas, turning those properties over to charter school companies and other real estate ventures.

Jack Hirschman: Poet and Revolutionary, 1933–2021

The world and the movement for social transformation have suffered the loss of one of our great lights and souls with the passing, at age 87 (in his sleep at his home in San Francisco), of the revolutionary poet and organizer Jack Hirschman. J

LRNA – Detroit Youth, Education, Culture Committee

The League of Revolutionaries for a New America is made up of people from all walks of life. We are tied together by a common aim – the end of exploitation, the public ownership of the means of production, and the distribution of the products of society according to need.